Wonder those times in Lower School when we used to open books with Alphabets to see D- Doctor, P- Police and the pedagogical community spurring (or blurring) our dreams with all those pre-conceived ways of growing. Thanks to the similar South Indian parental dreams,the operating system of my dreams also booted up with just two options 1) Biology 2) Maths .But never being a back bencher until Graduation, I was good at both of them.But was it the spark that I wanted to stir-up, now I retrospect. Always, my career-graph train stopped at various junctions , the biggest of them was Astronomy and the Second being a Felon ala Hollywood way. Then drifted to music after looking at similar singers like me scorching people on TV and they getting responses from the dogs outside my apartment. Then looking at the poor and needy outside, it drifted to Social Service, followed by a faint hope in trying a hand at modelling and I'm sure, tomorrow its gonna be something else.. But sitting for hours trying to write lines of computer languages.. Where did this crawl into ? ?
Nevertheless to say, I still am crawling for doing those and really feel so cribbed .
The shells around me keep changing getting with it a different flavour of life...But there are just some things which keep their indispensable presence amidst this alterations : Music , Writing...
I still remember those lambasts from my teacher for whom I was a "COUNTRY BUMPKIN" with a crass accent. But avid reading and writing lateron got more applauses from all. The Pumpkin Turned Bumpkin proved tasty for many finally. But, if I want to have myself associated to good literature, writing a book is one way to bare it all. And being a suspenso-phile ( Hope Oxford adds this in its next release) , I have got base line ready. Edification is upto me..
From a bathroom singer to a less-scary singer outside, I have a long way and just as other professionals of the fraternity, it was not easy.
Will I stride in here too... ??
In the book of life every page has two sides: we human beings fill the upper side with our plans, hopes and wishes, but providence writes on the other side, and what it ordains is seldom our goal. -- Nisami
Wishing Myself The Luck
I know how it is not knowing what to do with your life. You will figure it out. It takes time.
wats wrong? no update for a long time?
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