Sure that Amitav Ghosh' 'Ghost' is going to haunt me for having deserted this book out at the place where I started of a journey into the Glass Palace (my current read) , which I used to look into from my room and used to brood over that my life seems dull and monotonous. But the other side of the glass which my reflection sees now will surely show some air of complacency with its current exposure to various flavours of life. And to tell the truth, this for some reason has the better of all the mental anguish which one faces staying away from ONE'S THINGS... with a mention of the fact that I am very very much a sociable and lovable creature with a big world in my ambit...may be that at times is a problem though.. Anyways I am outta here with a big dream of making it BIIIG and taking back a bagful experiences and gifts back home.
Anywayz...everything just paaaced up in this 15 days here .Right from the moment I started feeling the chill breeze touching and spoiling my dry skin till today moment that I got something to deal with it, I have come a way not to be regretted in any way... Experiences came my way just to be gathered and garnered be it the way of etiquette, my cooking which ppl have started bearing with, back to reading and blogging habit... a more individual growth .
Lots more to learn and miles to go before I sleeeeeep.
But I've got some more tips for being bettter which can apply to me (Chk out for ref if you can bump into any wavelength interference )
1. Get yourselves a new good hobby : I am searching for one. Just bumped into a Martial Arts session on the notice-board...but still searching if there is some balle dance training session :-)
2. Make more friends but with care : I believe in what Morpheus said to Neo : Welcome to the Real World. When I see ppl spend hours on the net finding for friends far and wide with no idea of who their Neighbour is , I seee a serious flaw there. So I dont search more often :-)
3. Love to Live : You wanna do something... try doing it with minimum dependency on others.. Expectation is one killing factor in relationships...Lets try to accept a fact that everyone needs money for different things...some to enjoy, some to deal up with thingz back home....and some just dont want to spend. So, itz ur money honey..!!!
4. Try something new each day : Life is full of choices..it just gives you one by one. I tried an automatic car one day. Next day, I tried my hand at cooking and next it was a watery vodka., next it was complementing a phirangi I never knew at the bank :-) . This week the bus service spoilt one more thing : Beach Walk in the rain and Holi Dance.
Still this tide is hungry for more.....................
1 comment:
Bh-oy! Its been long since I peeked into this blog, and to my surprise there is a lot to read.. I like your ghost book- not necessarily because I choose not to detest them (for god-forbidden reasons of living behind a cemetery), but because my benign fear calls for conquering sadistic quests! Enjoy your read. I saw 1408 the other day, and all the time I was watching it- I only had to curse my 'choice'.
Hope life isn't that way! ('bout choices I mean)
And I strongly vouch for your friends' philosophy. "Has to be the right choice!" Like someone said- 'Don't dig everywhere- Instead expend all the energy in one(few) place(s), so that you can at least expect water after some time!'.
Have a ball in Hyderabad.. fun place to be!
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