Saturday, December 01, 2007

When does one feel Old ?

Does age catch up with you or you give up as time passes by ! Hmm... Easy to answer but hard to think (atleast for me) !
According to Indi-movies, Time comes to a standstill when the hero sees the heroine and starts the whole damn cycle of mushy masalaa.. While everyone can't be a hero unless until there is a reality show in every galli-nukkad of the country, one can always be a hero for his life...and I've written a helluva lot about it already.

So ,when does one really feel old :

1) When they don't do have any goals in life or wayward to change.... Met a couple of people in my life who love sitting at home, watch TV for hours together racking their brains on what the serial's vamp gonna do ! On a monotonous basis, you end up vicariously identifying yourself with them :old, haggard, tired and bored of life.

2) People are asked to aim for the stars so that they atleast end up reaching the sky..but for people who reached just a few floors of some un-recognized skyscraper, they surely end up with this if they ain't the "guerrier" type ! . Once a part of this, I am pushing myself into a better league.

3) People who think they've achieved their goal in life : A job followed by marriage and a shade to save ur skin. The current trend of so called white collared S/W professionals undoubtedly have a lion's share in this category. Getup-Goto work - Work - Work-Home-Sleep , chain flow goes on and on with a boring and a tiring weekend in the middle which ends up being an extension to ones' sleeping time.
Am trying hard to move out of this category....

4) Special Category for me : How complacent ! But I find myself trying to put my head out of this so- called "B Different-Bandwagon" - someone who is so greedy for life: I want this , I want that, I gotta know this, I gotta know that ... Just like the bourses' tread, there is always a new thing cropping up.. But how much will I be able to do them.... and will I ever ??? I end up doing nothing and feeling as if my lifez "Over and Out"

Off late, my spiritual bent is only making me strong and pulling me back from the verge of the other 3 categories and that "oVeR aNd OuT" poop ...but still I find their hues in my neurons....but I have decided...reading the only hanging paper in my room which reads:
"It's the coward and the fool who says, "This is fate".But it is the strong man who stands up and says, 'I will make mine' .

I can..I shall ... I will..............................

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Frankness Helps

Nearly screwed up 2 days of my valuable time... So I guess the only lesson whichz goes down the drain of the brain is Better be frank and open lest tearing up your valuable pages of life for being worthless..

Thursday, May 24, 2007


If ever blogging communities pop up with an idea of all throwing down the drain all those blogs which were not being accessed for over an year, mine would have really been the way it is -OBLIVIOUS with an added tag of LOST ! . I would really look like a gauche fella who never could prove that he too blogged ... Well, thanks to the increasing cyber storage, that snaily bloggers' works lyk mine see the light. Well, "LyFz LyK Tat" and so I struck back to my old shell-home whichever synonymous to pour down on my thoughts and then free myself of some storage here... Firstly, My rendezvous with my dreams should atleast get fulfilled provided I do and give my Best else it really will stand lacking my "ATARAXIA" . And how do I do it.... Its better that things get jotted down for some ready reckoning down future.....
1) Getting rid of all the cooked up, f***** up stuff in the grey matter about oneself and start..When Dad says' I've observed your reason for inhibitions a lotta times in you, I couldnt say that he waz wrong.. and was he ??

2) Success comes from 90 % HW ( home-work ,hard-work,heart-work..) and 10 % Luck-Click.
Hit on the major, the minor falls flat for you..

3) Have a backdoor ready with the keys in your pocket. If you fail opening the door you want to, see there is always a backup to not get suffocated with lack of air.

4) Things never get better by worrying and comparing with others. Each passing day should only get you more exposure towards things though slowly but steadily..

5) Prioritize things in life ! This shall take you a loooong loooooooong way.

Will come up with more stuffin times to come

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hungry Tide

Sure that Amitav Ghosh' 'Ghost' is going to haunt me for having deserted this book out at the place where I started of a journey into the Glass Palace (my current read) , which I used to look into from my room and used to brood over that my life seems dull and monotonous. But the other side of the glass which my reflection sees now will surely show some air of complacency with its current exposure to various flavours of life. And to tell the truth, this for some reason has the better of all the mental anguish which one faces staying away from ONE'S THINGS... with a mention of the fact that I am very very much a sociable and lovable creature with a big world in my ambit...may be that at times is a problem though.. Anyways I am outta here with a big dream of making it BIIIG and taking back a bagful experiences and gifts back home.

Anywayz...everything just paaaced up in this 15 days here .Right from the moment I started feeling the chill breeze touching and spoiling my dry skin till today moment that I got something to deal with it, I have come a way not to be regretted in any way... Experiences came my way just to be gathered and garnered be it the way of etiquette, my cooking which ppl have started bearing with, back to reading and blogging habit... a more individual growth .

Lots more to learn and miles to go before I sleeeeeep.

But I've got some more tips for being bettter which can apply to me (Chk out for ref if you can bump into any wavelength interference )

1. Get yourselves a new good hobby : I am searching for one. Just bumped into a Martial Arts session on the notice-board...but still searching if there is some balle dance training session :-)

2. Make more friends but with care : I believe in what Morpheus said to Neo : Welcome to the Real World. When I see ppl spend hours on the net finding for friends far and wide with no idea of who their Neighbour is , I seee a serious flaw there. So I dont search more often :-)

3. Love to Live : You wanna do something... try doing it with minimum dependency on others.. Expectation is one killing factor in relationships...Lets try to accept a fact that everyone needs money for different things...some to enjoy, some to deal up with thingz back home....and some just dont want to spend. So, itz ur money honey..!!!

4. Try something new each day : Life is full of just gives you one by one. I tried an automatic car one day. Next day, I tried my hand at cooking and next it was a watery vodka., next it was complementing a phirangi I never knew at the bank :-) . This week the bus service spoilt one more thing : Beach Walk in the rain and Holi Dance.

Still this tide is hungry for more.....................

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fully Reeeeeccchhaaaargggggeed

Tuesdays share a lot of -ve affinity in the family here. But for me , its just another day to do something if I DO. But this day really found its way ahead away from the other 6. What did I do? Simply I just LISTENED : To the story of myself, the story of my victory, my loss, my pain, my gain (? ? ? - I only gotta fill those), story of my dreams .In a way, I just felt I just wanted it after having been through other grinds. Just read a msg the day b4 :- "Take the hand stretched b4 u for it might stop you from falling .And, the hand will not go away". I shunned out hands and was shunned by ...... . Wonder Y didn't found their way ? Hav I become unsensitive or Stable on a positive note? Gosh!! That medicine is already working getting me bak to self.Lots more to be done. And temples, can have a piece of that cake. Head felt a lil un-lumbered. Lucid !!! . Paradoxically, I did not forget things lined up. Maybe I've not prioritized 'em earlier and now they found their place to the pain of some one. But Colin Powell quot "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude"-- I am lazy and sceptic in PREVAILING. Knowing the solution was never the problem. Putting it on was !! "Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens".
And the best thing to do is to realize it whenever I awaken. For someone lyk me, to awaken everyday !!
I lyked the way I drove the day yesterday, barring a few data fudgings, I did not waste MY time.To prevent myself from getting back to Normal nd repent, I better do it today tooo...

HOLDING THINGS, HOLDING PEOPLE are coetanous but built on something which I missed all this time HOLDING YOURSELF !!!

Friday, January 05, 2007


Why did i prefer to have an early morning blog rather than a walk ? To get rid of all the mental conundrums that have been rending inside and become Healthy. And the solution for all of them is just one straight answer.. ME... Wonder if Alexander has truly stuck to his "I came I saw I conquered" ! - If I bump into him I would ask how many times ? and then I turn back with his answer without giving him a chance to say "Now the question passes! " . I forgot (something which has just been ingrained with constant practice) the reason why was I out here, things what I wished to achieve and inhabited just lyk a totterer looking for support around. And hmmm... I got some initially but that sweet little motivator seems to be irritated and frustrated with me as the calendar rolled by. Came new year, and just as others It too dawned on me that this is the time for Resolutions : (For Definitions in my context dont refer the dictionary). No sooner I thought of it, than again one more thought took the better of the former ... Will I lyk Alexander "I see I make I conquer ? " , And then just lyk any other typical Indian narrative, I stare at the past which gives ample examples of my lack of will, courage, zeal , confusion.

So this time my new year resolutions are a not something regular but.........................................

1. To be my self- motivator.(Something which can help when I fly away from home)
2. To prioritize people and things.I hated Selfish ppl but seeing them get-ahead made me think.
3. To turn all those defeats into victories' and for this my second point should help me.
4. To motivate myself everyday lest I forget all the above three.