Tuesdays share a lot of -ve affinity in the family here. But for me , its just another day to do something if I DO. But this day really found its way ahead away from the other 6. What did I do? Simply I just LISTENED : To the story of myself, the story of my victory, my loss, my pain, my gain (? ? ? - I only gotta fill those), story of my dreams .In a way, I just felt I just wanted it after having been through other grinds. Just read a msg the day b4 :- "Take the hand stretched b4 u for it might stop you from falling .And, the hand will not go away". I shunned out hands and was shunned by ...... . Wonder Y didn't found their way ? Hav I become unsensitive or Stable on a positive note? Gosh!! That medicine is already working getting me bak to self.Lots m

ore to be done. And temples, can have a piece of that cake. Head felt a lil un-lumbered. Lucid !!! . Paradoxically, I did not forget things lined up. Maybe I've not prioritized 'em earlier and now they found their place to the pain of some one. But Colin Powell quot "If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude"-- I am lazy and sceptic in
PREVAILING. Knowing the solution was never the problem. Putting it on was !! "Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens".
And the best thing to do is to realize it whenever I awaken. For someone lyk me, to awaken everyday !!
I lyked the way I drove the day yesterday, barring a few data fudgings, I did not waste MY time.To prevent myself from getting back to Normal nd repent, I better do it today tooo...
HOLDING THINGS, HOLDING PEOPLE are coetanous but built on something which I missed all this time HOLDING YOURSELF !!!