Sounds like I am one of those inexpertised cosmo whoz come prepared with all his baggaged anti-diluvian emotional arsenal on a DATE and just turn it OFF for her. Why would any soul commit a gaffe and pillory himself to a zilch in the social sphere. Long since I blogged and no such trinkets to come down this time. These two weeks has seen a lot of my unsabbatical "racing thoughts" went untapped : the mental sluice just could not be closed. It was a different incarnation altogether. It was just so different from the way I am now :solitary, restive, vulnerable.And the reason which I tried to figure out with "I was greedy of more from life" being a smithereen of it. I thought I just morphed my changed self with what a couple of people told "my original past self" : Obliging things are the best way to be loved (more and more) :-) . Was just reading a book on ancient civilizations with the author lambasting all the various finds of the hypocritic and narrow minded eclectics, an instance of Cognoscenti Vs. Intelligentsia in harsh words. Really made me plausible about all these stuff. I drifted myself when he was planning about flying to Mars or Venus in the pretext of filling this chasm in me. Then something got me out of this fancied fog : REALITY BITES. Made me wonder what suddenly made me so fraught :was anyone the cause or does its seminal pointer pricked me instead. The answer I found it yesterday in one of the mails by Swami Paramananda about oneself: "The more you are get into things, the more you learn, the more you face,more you fail". Just as the turmoil inside a bamboo during drilling and chopping before becoming a mirroring itself as a beautiful flute lest a log of carrying a corpse, I presume innocently that this is needed. But Can and Will I do it ? And Should I ?? . Once I used to expect : infantile though which the my mirror thinks of the person on the other side. But when the slate is clean, anythings scribbled on it is stuff reckoned. Sometimes it helps :my current pursuit of getting back to my old hobby :Meeting people with the foggest idea of what lies in both of our association.
There were lot of holidays here in India for the past 2 weeeks but my city thanked me for having been a non-contributor to the pollution during this time.But my fishes have something else to curse about, I have been pretty reckless towards G n J for reasons self-oblivious.Were parting buddies the cause ?? But I have already changed myself from the times when I moved out of my house an year ago to stay away. And thanks for that. Though not as late as I found my country's "Jantaa" on its 56th Republic at the groceries market May b I am still here to look at such things instead of seeing the Greener and Developed Pastures on the Atlas. The traffic jam exactly in front of the flag hoisting ceremony made me somehow feel patriotic though.
The palmist who saw my hand (whose hand inturn I saw and took my revenge :-) by predicting ) says I think a helluva lot. But he says I gonna have hair on my head for quite some time. Any takers atleast now !!!