Thursday, December 29, 2005


The Way things are put here r much more abstract and evasive to fathom than their inherent manifestations. But i felt it was better to put it that way atleast the readers would really dont wanna hate me for writing this. So , this time, i put it aboard following the KISS principle - The "Keep It Simple and Stupid " . But now after being too sketchy has made my work more difficult in giving ala "Newspaper-Reporter" Details.But for that more adorable than obliging one one it has to be, to be. Wonder how itz gonna be sculpted out. Started writing this on 29 th but prolonged till the last day of the year -- An inherent Resolution staring at me while I type this: Not Deferring and Prioritizing Things and People offcourse. But this year has more of experiences in my kitty in different things : An year of learning, Partying, Parting. May b no year has seen so much of me than this one and may be it just whiffed off as soon as it started unable to bear the brunt.I have seen many of my life's parts' incarnations move away from me to some places farther than reachable. But may be there was somewhere a small Philosopher who stamped off that Selfishness in me to not let them go. I failed but am happy for that It made way for others to cross me leaving me behind and I have no regrets for that. An year that has made realise that there are still some things left undried which I thought were consumed in their entirety some time ago. I appreciate myself for having trying hard at the art of deft handling relations : Give Happiness and Be Selfish about the Blues ...... and this made me more abstract than ever but now its't coz i have just KISSED this Year with this "The KISS" manifestation. And I miss you 2005 !!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Inherent Human Mystery

Life - Creativity = Life - Life. Use your School maths and cancel "Life" :U truly cancel it. A truth that really cannot be denied by any one who has that small piece of mass above one's shoulder.As much as the ever increasing sun conceived shadow in the scorched half-past day,so proportionate is the enumeration of my ideas and plans which have mired me since long. But the catch here has alwayz been my lack of will-power else the ferrari of my mind would have just zooomed past giving more champagne's toast than Schumacher's. Simple illustration :Trip to Ajanta was really motivating which left me craving for that more ME out of Me Myself.But I just really couldnt make it only to give disbelief for the fact of not being an architect of crumbling jerrybuilt dreams.I stood beside the mighty Enlightend One's (c pic ) as the oblivion moon under the brightness of the broad day sun waiting to turn the table's on.Though after knowing myself, I just dint , dint..... . What happened ? ? . What really stops people from accomplishment :Fear, Confidence, Facilities . As a non-hypocritic ,I proclaim "ME" .

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Not to Naught

I was just back from a seminar by a series of Technological Evangelists whose intellectual fathom(s) was difficult to comprehend at one go. Really made me envious and questioned about where I as a techy geek really figured out and the next instant, it was a simple "OBLIVION"-Starting off with a biiiiig "O". A fluster was not what I wanted to be.My good part is Prodding,my newest passion , the engine for my FERRARI.I shall,I will ..when is what my FERRARI answers !!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Come December and just as the snow, good old chums landed here. And as I walked in the Hot Sunny afternoon into the house which I could not but ignore,I felt a sense of nostalgia bundled with scepticism about the person whom I saw grow up, show various reflections of their life to me,one who glued me with themselves in a bond which I will never ever fiddle around with.I knew the situation through which the person was going through - an aftermath of a broken "twined" relationship.
But the "SAME" warm hug had for an instant dispersed everything and made feel that I was everthing but worried.Felt like a genie freed from the water bottle washed to the sea shore after thousands of years of incarceration. And then my inhibitions were history.An Immediate ride on my new bike,cutting it past vehicles just turned it ON.

The second one was very very unadorned one when the person hardly showed any clear excitement and happiness on seenig us.May the place changed him or Is it the native's life style and language....

Monday, December 05, 2005

My Innocence...

I just began my second tryst with a minefield, Philosophy reading aloud a Betrand Russell master-piece, "Mysticism and Logic" analogous to a school going kid by hearting his maths tables. And more often than not, I feel my thinking being more straight than lateral reflecting a so-called innocence. There are very few "impedimental" words that I hate to be associated with and its Innocence that walks away with the top honours. Looking at the last 5 years of my life, there were instances of my ignorance spurred out of innocence which I spurned. Be it my self-esteem or my approach to people and life, I fluttered and flustered endlessly.Before it took the better of me, I sometimes detached myself and branded myself as "LONELY".But, a shift of place, my expectations from people and the way they collapsed has made me feel better by making myself pragmatic : Things are just the way their mortal carrriers are.Just be.. just be ... should be the way. It was only on two occassions that I diverted from this latest lesson of mine
1 ) Went over friendly and was called "AN OVERBOARDING FELLA" only to get back to ground .
2) Went a level ahead and went BROKE AND LOST but this was Innocence worth it.Many an instances here I was told I was "YOU ARE TOO DAMN SMART MAN ! " but little do they know that it was only my innocence that had brought us close... Unless until they unearth this piece of my artwork is from the internet ,I will remain....................? ? ? But, may be it's all over !!!!!!!!!!

Great Expectations

Its again that innocent ME which is making me jot this down . If I were some sovereign of a place, I would definately ordain "RIGHT TO EXPECT" for all the Right people. All the "Give More, Expect Less" craps and poops will have no space in my domain. Firstly : To make my territory a "love"ly place to live where people do not pass through such life's trying asptects. Make them architect their world they have dreamt coz only non-nonstarters make better people but not dream broken losers.
Secondly : Why should people be deprived what they want when they gave so much and were ready to give more ??? Basing this questions answer on those people's mercy who just for the reason that they have given us life and blood is truly an unlogical injustice to such hearts.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Rain ....

While the whole of South India is anticipating the aftermath of the Baaz Cyclone, its me - the only unpatriot whose inherently biased meteorolgy dept. prognosticates its arrival. Rain for me, has always been a latent player in games of my psyche, sailing me through all shadows of life. The only thing common to me and all my facets in my life was RAIN..... When my Heart danced in moments of my glory,When i was dull and wanted to be alone, When I loved to have been loved, When my emotions, feelings were hurt it was there : My SHARER. But this treasoned me that day when my HEART BROKE , under the pretext of "LIFE HAS TO MOVE ON " at a place where two things never meet but they balance the whole Bogies in a train called Life.And I was wishing it would rain ........ A facade not to let the world around know !! It did, but for that "EXTERNAL ME" ....... I WISH IT RAINS !!!

Pendulum Called Life

Have I Lost Again ??

Many a times in life I find myself in an enigmatic situation, a situation where i think, i have no clue Who I am , What do I do and Where do I go next ?? . I grew up having myriad aspirations and a dream which thankfully I still do. But as time passing by , everything to me seems to dull and life sullen.......